unearthed Blogger Scholarship 2016
Have you just started a new food, travel or (ye gads) lifestyle blog in the last few months? And are you eager to get it thrust out there, into the abyss that is the internets; that vastness of space that seethes with a gajillion voices and cute photos of cats? Do you want people to hear what you've got to say and would you like some help along the way? Are you full of witty ideas, can type imaginative, informative prose and raise a smile or two? Is this going to be a hobby? Or do you want to use your blog as a launch pad into the scribulious, and sometimes pernicious, world of professional writing?
How about tapas, cured meats, olives and most importantly, pork rillettes? How do you feel about those things? Do they float your boat? Can you use these ingredients, along with the very synapses of your mind and create dishes of luminous, ethereal quality? Recipes that will transport people into another dimensions? A parallel universe of flavour and taste?
Or are you currently sat there, reading this and frothing, with a very twitchy eye? And again, I have to ask this, do you like pork rilletes? Come on, what do you want? I mean seriously, what the hell do you want?
I have, perhaps, asked too many questions here and have gone too far, but if you've answered 'Yes' to the majority of them, then the unearthed Blogger Scholarship Programme may just be the thing for you. For these purveyors of exciting and authentic foods from around the globe (well, mostly Europe) have just launched an initiative to help new bloggers to get their foot on the ladder. And I am on board as a judge. Partly because founder Simon Day has promised to buy me a fancy wig. But largely because they are a brand that I have worked with and been enthused by, for a long time now. The team is small but very passionate about what they do and have made great strides in introducing all sorts of unusual products to the public at large. All done in a quirky, entertaining and unobtrusive sort of way.
I like that and as such, unearthed products always make their way into my shopping basket whenever I am planning a special, romantic carpet picnic on a Friday night, for myself and my wife.
Not that kind of carpet picnic by the way, you filthy buggers. I have learned from experience that smearing nduja everywhere stings to high heaven and should never be repeated ever again.
So, if you are new to blogging and fancy your chances, then please do enter. It's a great opportunity to dip your toe in the water, to work with a friendly, co-operative brand and to receive some excellent goodies. But please do also read through the t&cs to make sure that this competition is right for you.
Because if you are already an established blogger, making extra jam alongside your regular bread and butter; then obviously, this is not the right thing for you.
It is very important that you like this sort of stuff |
How to enter
Entrants must write and post a blog (on their own site) related to the theme #keepdiscovering. The post must include a recipe, incorporating an unearthed® product with photographs. The post must be a minimum of 250 words. It must then be promoted via at least 2 social networks (Facebook, twitter, Instagram or Pinterest) and mention @foodsunearthed.All entrants will receive £15 worth of John Lewis vouchers, towards the cost of ingredients bought to create the recipe post.
All entries must be received by midnight on Sunday 21st February 2016.
Important note – we are only running this scheme to mainland UK residents. This is due to the majority of our events taking place in England. In addition, suitable logisitics for sending chilled (unearthed®) products to our bloggers, to create recipes and review, are not available off the mainland.