Bacon in a frying pan |
This year, I ushered in Big Ben's famous gongs by spitting a mouthful of port over my wife and some dearly beloved friends, which on face value doesn't sound like a very nice thing to do but everyone accepted my puce outburst with excellent humour. In fact we laughed and cried for about ten minutes. Until our ribs began to hurt, our faces began to ache and until one of us very nearly wet themselves. Moments of glorious, unbridled and somewhat painful joy don't come around that often but when they do happen, you can't help but feel happy to be alive. And to be grateful that you are surrounded by loved ones who don't care whether you've spat on them or not.
So rather than write a post that bleats on about resolutions, aspirations, ideas, projects, recipes and food adventures (which is what I had planned to do) I thought I would just simply wish people a Happy New Year. I hope that 2014 brings special moments of your own.
Danny aka Food Urchin.
PS The picture above of sizzling bacon is from last night and was eaten betwixt two slices of bread, slapped with butter and a splodge of brown sauce. I was supposed to kick off proceedings with some healthy eating but then I thought sod it, life is too short. The real New Year doesn't start until Monday anyway.